User Experience & User Interface Designer
Shinsekai: Into the Depths is a video game that can be played using either Apple Arcade or the Nintendo Switch. My chosen topic and deliverable was to redesign the UI and UX of this game. It is an underwater adventure game developed by Capcom, made in Osaka, Japan.
Game User Interface Re-designer, Game User Researcher, created sketches, Mid Fidelity Wireframes and Clickable Prototypes as well as Journey Maps, Flow Chart Maker, Competitive Analyser.
Tools Used
Adobe Illustrator: To create new elements and assets such as maps, health bars, menus, pop up instructions, buttons and navigations.
Adobe XD: This was an essential tool to make the Style Tile and clickable High Fidelity prototype, as well as the video of the prototype.
Adobe Audition: This was used to record my vocals for the demonstration video.
Premiere Pro: It was used to edit the video and audio together.
InDesign: To create a Journey Map.
Nintendo Switch and Apple TV: These were deployed to play the game for comparative views, and a desktop browser was used for game play reference.
Media Encoder: This was used to render the video.
Miro: This is a great program for ideation. I used this in the early phases of my project for quick ideation and iteration, and later to create the User Flow Chart.
Sketchbook and pencil: For low fidelity wireframes.
Research: Extensive research was conducted with comparative analysis and reading.
Milanote: I used this for organizing my mood board and blueprints in the early phases of my project.
My main objectives were all met for this deliverable. I had set to complete and accomplish several tasks, which I made a project plan for with a schedule to abide by. In summary, I completed the following:
Researched UX & UI Design for game design extensively.
Defined a problem statement in the form of a question to understand my main task.
Identified UI pain points with the game I chose to redesign.
Created a Journey Map ( what the player is thinking, doing and saying).
Sketched Wireframes.
Made a User Flow chart.
Determine fonts, colours and design.
Created a Style Tile.
Explored the software Unity.
Attended a User Research for Game Design lecture.
Made a clickable prototype in XD.
Ran user testing research studies.
Recorded audio and video for a demo of my clickable high fidelity prototype for Shinsekai: Into the Depths.